Hybrid Bike "Saracen", 18 inches frame, perfect conditions,
Hybrid bike in London , Greater London
Road Bike / Hybrid bike
Hybrid Bike, brand "Saracen", model Urban ESC (men) 2016. Colour black and grey.
18" inches frame, tyres' tread perfect, used for less than 25 miles in total.
21 gears (3 rings crown, 7 rings pinion).
Purchased from new for £350, I am selling it as it is the wrong frame size for me.
Will give in for free some bike lights on top.
18" inches frame, tyres' tread perfect, used for less than 25 miles in total.
21 gears (3 rings crown, 7 rings pinion).
Purchased from new for £350, I am selling it as it is the wrong frame size for me.
Will give in for free some bike lights on top.